Hi, I'm Emily

If you don't want to stress about classroom management, you're in the right place.

I have taught hundreds of  students for over 5 years. Through my experience I have learned how to approach classroom management as uniquely as every student who will walk into your life. 

I know what it’s like to succeed in classroom management.

But it wasn't always this way...

   When I first started teaching I always stressed and worried about classroom management! I always wanted what was best for my students but I didn’t quite know how to connect with them and earn their respect. I felt like I was losing control… Most nights I would feel so anxious about letting my students down. I feared that if I couldn’t control my own classroom how was I going to make a difference in my students’ lives. I kept spiraling, asking myself, “Can I really do this?” “Was I trained enough?” “What if they don’t like me?” “Can they sense my fear?” I was terrified of failing as teacher! 

   After searching for different tools and strategies I still felt overwhelmed trying to figure out how to apply them to my classroom. I would find cute and fun ideas but when I applied them I realized it wasn’t working for my students… WHY?!?
My passion was teaching and I wanted to be the best teacher I could be for these students. I knew whatever I was doing needed to change!

                                                                                     I WANTED TO MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT. 

   I realized that I was asking the wrong questions… I kept asking “What did I need?” instead of, “What do THEY need?” Each classroom and student within the classroom is unique. I realized that what might work for some does NOT work for all. I started to build genuine relationships and relate to my students. The puzzle pieces finally came together. Throughout the years there were trial and error but I FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT! 

   Classroom management tools and strategies work BUT they are only EFFECTIVE if you understand the needs of your students. 

Classroom Management Can Be INTIMIDATING.

There are so many different types of strategies and tools when it comes to classroom management. You search the internet and find tools that look fun and cute and another teacher saying “If it works for me, it will work for you!” But you don’t truly know how effective it will be for your class’s specific needs! 

That’s why I want to help! Not only will I give you tools and strategies you can use; but I will help  you effectively apply them and so you can build meaningful relationships with your students! 

I can help you stop the loud and chaotic classroom, from worrying about students disrespecting you, and feeling OUT OF CONTROL...

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • Respect from your students. 
  • Control of your classroom.
  • Make a difference in your students’ lives. 

That’s why I created the Editable Classroom Management Coupons. To help you start becoming a memorable and confident teacher.


And I can help you!

It’s time to master classroom management and take back control of your classroom. 

And I’ll let you in on a little secret. The difference between confident and struggling teachers is the ability to change for the needs of their students. So Let’s Get Started!

Check out my blog and products for great ideas! I look forward to working with you.

Start Your Adventure Today!

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